Blood tests - whole


You ask, we answer.


Can't I have these tests done free of charge by my family doctor?

It is certainly possible to have certain tests carried out by your family doctor. However, what ‘free’ means can vary. Traditional routes can often involve waiting times and multiple doctor visits, which can be especially challenging if you’re on a tight schedule or looking for quick answers to your health questions.

At Probatix, we are committed to offering you a more accessible and efficient alternative. Our aim is to provide you with uncomplicated access to your blood values without long waiting times. Even more important to us is that you can not only view your health data, but also understand it and actively use it to manage your health yourself.

Our vision is to promote better and proactive healthcare in Germany, which not only facilitates the early detection of diseases, but also helps to relieve the burden on doctors’ surgeries by avoiding unnecessary visits. We believe that an informed approach to one’s own health data is key to long-term well-being and efficient healthcare.

Probatix is a pure software company and does not analyze samples. We work together with professional laboratories specializing in capillary blood. They carry out the evaluation for us and we make the results available to our customers in a digital and comprehensible format.

There are different opinions among doctors on this topic. Some doctors are concerned that patients may have difficulty understanding and correctly interpreting their own blood values. They see the determination and interpretation of blood values as an area that should remain in the hands of doctors in order to avoid misunderstandings and false conclusions.

On the other hand, there are many doctors who recognize the benefits of easily accessible, digitally available and reliable blood tests. These doctors see that the active involvement of patients increases health awareness among the population. They value the low-threshold tests as a valuable addition to traditional blood tests and see that such services can improve early detection and better treat chronically ill patients.

It is important to speak to a doctor if the values are abnormal, as the actual treatment can only be carried out by doctors. Only they have the necessary knowledge and expertise to take the right therapeutic measures. The regular and validated laboratory tests from Probatix are very reliable, which means that duplicate tests are avoided. This enables doctors to start with a head start in terms of information, which increases the efficiency and accuracy of further medical care.

In addition, these tests can also be ordered by a doctor, creating a more comfortable patient experience. Patients can carry out tests from the comfort of their own home or at a Probatix partner nearby without having to wait. This reduces the need for frequent visits to the doctor and waiting times, while still ensuring professional monitoring and advice. At the same time, doctors are relieved of routine tasks, which gives them more time for individual patient care. The low-threshold service makes life easier for everyone involved. Together with doctors and other stakeholders in the healthcare system, we are creating a better, more efficient healthcare system for everyone. This development ultimately benefits everyone and contributes to improved healthcare.

Yes, Probatix blood tests are safe and reliable. Our tests are carried out under professional conditions. If there is a Probatix partner location near you, we recommend that you have the blood sample taken at one of our partner pharmacies. If you do not have a suitable location nearby, we offer you the option of ordering a home test kit and taking the sample yourself in the comfort of your own home. The analysis is then carried out in an accredited laboratory that specializes in capillary blood, so that you receive medically reliable blood values.

In most cases, the blood sample is taken by a professional Probatix partner, such as a pharmacy in your area. If there is no partner location near you, you can order a home test kit and take the sample yourself at home in just a few minutes.

Unfortunately, our tests are not yet covered by health insurance. After the test, you will receive an invoice from us which you can submit to your health insurance company for reimbursement – it’s worth giving it a try. At the same time, we are working hard to ensure that our tests will soon be covered by health insurance companies.

You will usually receive your results directly in your Probatix Health Portal within 5-7 working days. There you will also see simple explanations and timelines so that you can quickly recognize trends and changes and act accordingly.

Probatix differs from conventional home tests in that it offers professional and comprehensive support from sample collection to analysis. If you have a partner location near you, you can ideally have the sample taken by one of our professional partners, such as a pharmacy. This enables us to ensure that the entire process – from collection and transportation to analysis – is carried out to the highest quality standards. We are working every day to expand this network.

If there is no partner location near you, you can alternatively have a home test kit sent to you and conveniently take the sample yourself. In any case, you benefit from the digital traceability of your test results. In contrast to a simple PDF that you normally receive after a blood test, with Probatix you can view your results at any time and track them over longer periods of time. This allows you to continuously monitor your health and identify trends and changes.

The data at Probatix is protected according to the highest security standards. Probatix’s information security management system is also certified to ISO 27001 by TÜV Süd.

Short answer: No. If only because we are a software provider, while Theranos produced medical devices.

More detailed answer: With Probatix, we want to make it easier for people to access their own health data through our software. We act as an interface that connects users with qualified laboratories to have blood values professionally analyzed. We then make the results available digitally. Our role is that of a software provider that promotes transparency and accessibility in the healthcare sector.

In contrast, Theranos was a company that developed medical devices and misled both patients and investors by deliberately making false promises. The machine manufactured by Theranos never worked and the samples were in fact secretly analyzed on real laboratory equipment. The book “Bad Blood” by John Carreyrou is highly recommended if you want to find out more.

If the test results are abnormal, we always recommend consulting a doctor. This will soon also be possible directly via the Probatix platform.

Management of the MyProbatix customer account

MyProbatix is your platform for a comprehensive overview of your health. Here you can easily and efficiently manage relevant health information, book health tests and view results. We offer you a user-friendly environment to actively participate in the care of your health and develop a better understanding of your personal health values.

To use your MyProbatixaccount, simply click on the “Account” option in the top right-hand corner. There you can adjust your personal data under the “Edit” tab and make the desired changes. This allows you to flexibly customize and maintain your account information.

If you have forgotten your password, simply click on “Forgot password”. You will then receive a reset link by e-mail, which you can use to reset your password. Follow the instructions in the email to set a new password and regain full access to your account.

To delete your account, please send a request to Our support team will take care of this immediately and help you with all the necessary steps.

  • Rebooking: On, in your customer account under “Appointments”, you can edit the appointment and select a new date. Both you and the pharmacies will be notified of the change of date.
  • Cancellation: After you have canceled the appointment, the money you have already paid will be credited to the payment method you have chosen.

Yes, in the appointment confirmation that you received by email, you can select whether you want to add the appointment to Google Calendar or iOS Calendar.

Payment is made directly via platform. You can pay conveniently and securely using various payment methods such as credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Giro Pay, SEPA or PayPal. We offer a variety of options to provide you with flexible and convenient processing.

Everything about capillary blood collection

A blood sample generally takes about 5 to 8 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the person.

  • Fluid intake: Drink plenty of water and avoid coffee and sugary drinks. This can make it easier to take blood samples.
  • Relaxation: Try to be relaxed before the test. Stress and excitement can affect blood pressure. It can also be helpful to swing your arm and warm your hands before the test.
  • No exercise: It is recommended that you do not exercise before the blood sample is taken, as physical exertion can alter the results of certain blood values such as electrolytes, enzymes and hormones, which can lead to inaccurate diagnostic results.

The pharmacy staff carry out capillary blood sampling by taking a few small drops of blood from the fingertip. The finger is punctured with a lancet and placed in a relaxed position on the blood collection device. The required amount of blood is collected in a tube using a vacuum effect. The process usually takes 2 to 4 minutes. The puncture wound is then treated with a plaster and that’s it!

The pharmacy staff take care of registering the blood sample and sending it to the laboratory.

A few working days after the blood sample has been taken, you will be notified by e-mail that the results are available. You can download them in your MyProbatix account.

The blood collection process at home with a test-at-home kit begins with thoroughly cleaning your hands and preparing the kit according to the enclosed instructions. First, the finger is punctured with a lancet and blood is taken from the fingertip. These drops of blood are then placed in a sample tube. After collection, the sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis. Finally, the test results should be interpreted according to the instructions and, if necessary, medical professionals should be contacted.

With a lancet prick, the needles will not usually be visible as they are located inside the lancet housing and only protrude briefly when activated to penetrate the skin. This minimizes the visibility of the needle.

Finger blood collection usually causes only minimal pain. The prick with a lancet is quick and is often felt as a slight stinging or tingling sensation. Most people experience significantly less pain compared to venous blood sampling with a needle in the arm vein. However, thesensation of pain can vary from person to person and also depends on the sensitivity of the finger skin.

The amount of blood required varies depending on the test. In most cases, at least 500 microliters of blood are required, which corresponds to about 10-12 drops of blood. There are also test variants that require double the amount, i.e. two times 500 microliters of blood.

Yes, but we recommend carrying out a maximum of two tests in one day and waiting a few days before carrying out further tests.

The laboratory analyzes the samples anonymously. The laboratory only receives the date of birth and gender, the type of test and the place, day and time of the test.

Yes, the appliance has the CE mark and meets the safety and health requirements set out in the European directives.

General information about health tests

Early detection of health problems: Health tests can help to identify potential health problems at an early stage before they become more serious.

Prevention and risk assessment: The results of health tests can provide information about personal health risks. Based on this information, preventive measures can be taken to minimize the risk of certain diseases.

Lifestyle adjustments: Health testing can help identify areas that could be adjusted, such as diet, exercise, and sleep.

Set individual health goals: The results of health tests can be used to set individual health goals to improve overall quality of life.

Self-responsibility and empowerment: Participation in health tests can promote awareness of one’s own health and encourage individuals to take active responsibility for their health.

Monitoring chronic diseases: For individuals with chronic conditions, regular health tests can help monitor the progression of the disease and make adjustments to treatment.

It is recommended to repeat the test every 3 to 6 months. Changes in your values may become apparent during this period.

All tests on offer are permitted from the age of 18.

Table of Contents

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Endlich ist eine einfache Blutuntersuchung kein Projekt mehr, sondern ein einfacher Prozess.

Peter B.


Clara F.​


Dank Probatix kann ich meinen HbA1c-Wert nun regelmäßig einfach in der Apotheke überprüfen.

Anna L.


Dank Probatix stelle ich schnell Veränderungen in meinen Blutwerten fest und kann so umgehend meinen behandelnden Arzt kontaktieren.

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