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Measuring and Increasing Testosterone

Everything about the important male sex hormone

Measuring and Increasing Testosterone

Find out everything about testosterone here: functions, importance, typical symptoms of deficiency and how you can easily test your testosterone level.


💡 Testosteron ist entscheidend für Energie, Muskeln und Stimmung.

💡 Ein Mangel zeigt sich oft durch Müdigkeit und Antriebslosigkeit.

💡 Ernährung, Bewegung und Stressabbau helfen natürlich.

Testosteron testen

What is testosterone?

When it comes to men's health , testosterone is one of the most important factors.

His powers extend far beyond the determination of sexual characteristics.

It affected virtually every aspect of life because testosterone:

  • stimulates muscle growth,
  • ensures body hair and beard growth,
  • supports bone metabolism,
  • promotes bone growth,
  • ensures the development and maintenance of bone density,
  • promotes dominant and aggressive behavior,
  • promotes sperm production,
  • increases sexual desire, drive and zest for life.
Probatix Health

Testosterone levels over the years

As men get older, the body's natural production of this hormone gradually decreases. Only in isolated cases does the testosterone level drop so much that symptoms and a pathological deficiency (hypogonadism) occur.

That's why it's crucial for those who want to maintain healthy hormone levels to have their testosterone measured.

Pronova BKK has published a very informative article with further information on testosterone. We also really like the report on testosterone deficiency from Deutschlandfunk.

A testosterone test will give you clarity about your current hormone status. If you want to increase your testosterone or simply want to know what your testosterone levels are, this test can provide you with valuable insight.

Probatix Health

Why should you measure your testosterone?

From the age of about 40, a man's testosterone level drops steadily by about 1-2%. This is a slow process that some men don't even notice. This process is called andropause or sometimes the "male menopause", although of course it cannot be compared to the menopause in women.

In order to accurately determine low testosterone levels in men and to detect hypogonadism, an accurate testosterone measurement is necessary. Only then can the diagnosis be made and a treatment plan developed to improve the subject's quality of life. Testosterone deficiency can have a negative impact on numerous organ functions and can promote blood pressure and diabetes .

What symptoms should you use to measure testosterone?

  • Sexual disinterest and erectile dysfunction,
  • Fatigue, weakness,
  • muscle atrophy,
  • increased belly fat,
  • reduced body & pubic hair,
  • reduced sperm production,
  • hot flashes,
  • reduced bone strength up to osteoporosis,
  • depressive moods.

BUT: It should be noted that many of the symptoms mentioned above can also be normal signs of aging. Whether it is actually a low testosterone level can only be determined by a test.

Probatix Health

Causes of low testosterone levels

Aging is one of the most common causes of low testosterone in men. As we age, our bodies produce less and less of the hormone as part of the natural aging process.

An unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol, drug or medication abuse, psychological stress or chronic illnesses can contribute to early deficiency.

The origin of testosterone deficiency is divided into two categories.

Primary hypogonadism

95% of testosterone production in men takes place in the testicles. Primary hypogonadism occurs when the hormone-producing cells found there become exhausted and cannot produce enough testosterone. Possible causes include:

  • testicular inflammation,
  • testicular injuries,
  • testicular cancer,
  • or systematic diseases such as liver cirrhosis.

Secondary hypogonadism

Testosterone deficiency can be due to a malfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, which are responsible for hormone production and thus for controlling testosterone production. Possible causes are

Tumor or dysfunction in the pituitary gland, brain injuries, or Gallmann syndrome (developmental disorder of the gonads).

testosterone testing

Diagnosis and treatment

What is the norm?

The testosterone level in the blood is subject to daily fluctuations. In the morning, the value is higher than in the afternoon, for example. As a result, it is necessary to take a blood sample in the morning to measure testosterone.

About 97% of testosterone is bound to proteins in the bloodstream, while the remaining 3% circulates as free testosterone. In laboratory tests, luteotropic hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are used to measure testosterone levels because they stimulate production in the testes.

In the case of testosterone deficiency, increased LH and FSH levels may indicate an underactive testicle (primary hypogonadism).

If both values ​​are low, this indicates a dysfunction of the pituitary gland (secondary hypogonadism).

standard values

  • 3.5 – 11.5 ng/ml (12 – 40 nmol/l)

treatment required

  • < 2.5 ng/ml (8 nmol/l)

assessment by a doctor necessary

  • 2.5 – 3.8 ng/ml (8 – 12 nmol/l)

How does testosterone measurement work?

For the medical history, doctors usually use a well-known questionnaire, the ADAM score (Androgen Deficiency in Aging Men). This questionnaire contains 10 questions that ask you about your current state of mind.
ADAM Score questionnaire:

  1. Have you noticed a decrease in libido?
  2. Do you feel less energetic?
  3. Do you have less strength or endurance?
  4. Are you smaller than before?
  5. Do you have less enthusiasm for life?
  6. Do you suffer from frequent mood swings?
  7. Do you have a weaker erection?
  8. Is it a challenge to do sports?
  9. Do you tend to fall asleep quickly after eating?
  10. Is it more difficult for you to work?

If you answered “yes” to more than three questions , this could indicate a testosterone deficiency .

Hormone replacement therapy

If a testosterone deficiency is diagnosed, there are various treatment options available. These include gels for application to the skin, oral medications, or injections into the muscles. Injections are usually used for long-term treatment and are also called the 3-month injection.

Hormone replacement therapy aims to bring testosterone levels back to a healthy range through testosterone substitution.

IMPORTANT: Testosterone therapy does not stop natural aging! The prescribed medications require a prescription. Too much testosterone in the body can be harmful.

The test method

Blood tests are the most common way to analyze hormone levels. These measurements can determine whether a man's body has healthy levels of testosterone.

This helps doctors assess which treatments are best suited to each patient’s needs.

Suitable tests for testosterone levels

Testosterone Test

Regular price €48,00
Sale price €48,00 Regular price €54,90

Low testosterone levels can lead to fatigue, reduced muscle mass and mood swings. Check your testosterone levels to optimize your physical performance and well-being. This test evaluates the "total testosterone" parameter. For an additional analysis of other relevant male hormones, we also offer the comprehensive Testosterone Test Plus .

Testosterone-Test Plus

Regular price €99,90
Sale price €99,90 Regular price €119,90

The Testosterone Test Plus offers men a comprehensive analysis of their most important hormones. Find out whether your values ​​are in the optimal range and gain valuable insights into your physical performance, energy and vitality.

An important test for men who want to know more and actively shape their health.

Fitness Check

Regular price €89,90
Sale price €89,90 Regular price

An imbalanced nutrient and health status can significantly affect your athletic performance and fitness. Maximize your athletic performance and optimize your fitness with our customized fitness check that gives athletes and active people deep insights into their bodies.

Conclusion - Measuring and increasing testosterone

Testosterone plays an important role in men's health and its production decreases with age. Measuring testosterone is necessary to detect a deficiency that could negatively affect organ function and quality of life.

Low testosterone levels are divided into two categories: primary hypogonadism, which is caused by testicular inflammation or injury, and secondary hypogonadism, which is caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.

With Probatix it is now very easy to have your testosterone levels checked regularly.

To the Testosterone Test Plus

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about testosterone