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Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

All the benefits, possibilities and why it is safe and easy

Probatix Health

We all know it: winter is approaching, temperatures are dropping rapidly, the days are getting shorter and the infection rate is increasing. Fever, colds and sore throats accompany us all from time to time throughout the year, but most often in winter. We feel sluggish, tired and exhausted.

However, infectious diseases caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria can be easily treated with the appropriate medication and annoying symptoms can be combated.

In this article you will learn how you can recognize an infectious disease as quickly as possible and treat it effectively.

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What is an infectious disease?

An infectious disease occurs when an organism is infected by a pathogen and then shows symptoms. The pathogen - bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite - penetrates the host's organism, multiplies and spreads there.

Direct contact in the form of coughing or sneezing can lead to infection, but so can indirect contact, such as shaking hands or eating food. How long an infectious disease lasts and how severe the symptoms are depends on the type of infection, the characteristics of the pathogen, the physical condition of the host and its immune response.

Infections can be localized (eg wound infections) or affect the entire organism (eg measles). However, an infection is under no circumstances the same as an infectious disease, since an infectious disease is only referred to when the affected person also shows symptoms of the disease.

This does not always have to be the case with an infection. This means that people who carry an infection can infect other people without developing symptoms of the disease themselves.

Common infectious diseases

Infectious diseases usually occur in clusters in epidemics, in which many people in an area become infected at the same time. That's why you probably often have the feeling that many people around you are always getting sick at a certain time. You often hear similar sentences like: "Everyone is getting sick again at the moment" or "The flu is going around again at the moment."

Certain infectious diseases are characteristic of different age groups, such as measles, rubella or chickenpox for children. However, these infectious diseases can also be dangerous for older people with a weakened immune system.

In order to prevent infections, it is important to observe the necessary hygiene measures or take antibiotics. Many infectious diseases in Germany are usually harmless, such as the flu or diarrhea. However, the number of deaths is also increasing here, as more and more people are resistant to the drugs used to combat these infections. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the improper use of antibiotics and, on the other hand, the inconsistent observance of the necessary hygiene measures.

Infectious diseases can be divided into eye infections, ear infections, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, skin infections and infections of the urinary and genital organs:

eye infections

  • conjunctivitis
  • eyelid inflammation
  • barley grains

gastrointestinal infections

  • Campylobacter enteritis
  • salmonellosis
  • EHEC
  • norovirus gastroenteritis
  • rotavirus gastroenteritis

infections of the urinary and genital organs

  • pyelonephritis
  • cystitis
  • urethritis
  • vaginal yeast infection
  • penis fungus
  • various sexually transmitted diseases

respiratory infections

  • flu (influenza)
  • tonsillitis
  • whooping cough
  • tuberculosis

skin infections

  • chickenpox
  • wound infections
  • shingles
  • herpes
  • Fungal diseases (e.g. athlete's foot)

ear infections

  • middle ear and ear canal infections

The RKI regularly records the most common infectious diseases of the year and highlighted the following infectious diseases for 2020:

  • COVID-19
  • flu
  • gastrointestinal infection
  • chickenpox

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1. Viruses

Viruses are very small and do not consist of their own cells, but of one or more molecules that contain the genetic material (DNA or RNA). Viruses are surrounded by a protein shell. In general, viruses are not considered living organisms, as they do not have their own metabolism and neither generate their own energy nor are they able to synthesize proteins. Viruses can appear in many different forms.

Not all viruses make you sick. However, they can penetrate human, animal and plant cells, where they dock onto host cells. If they fail to do this, they die.


After viruses have penetrated the organism, they begin to multiply. To do this, they dock onto host cells and make them produce the building blocks they need. Once this has happened, the host cells die and thousands of new viruses are released, which in turn dock onto other host cells.


Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. However, there are some antiviral drugs that are only effective against certain types of viruses. Once our immune system has successfully fought the viruses, we are usually immune to them.

Possible infectious diseases

  • A cold
  • cold sores
  • gastrointestinal infections
  • chickenpox
  • measles
Probatix Health

How dangerous are infectious diseases?

In Germany, most infectious diseases do not pose a serious threat to those affected, as medical care here is of a high standard and the country has a wide range of effective medications. Infectious diseases can therefore be treated well and dangerous courses of the disease can usually be avoided.

However, there are some infectious diseases that pose a greater risk to humans than others. These include:

  • Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis)
  • inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
  • inflammation of the meninges (meningitis)
  • blood poisoning (sepsis)

The ever-increasing number of people who are resistant to antibiotics and other medications has already been mentioned. Just as people can develop resistance, bacteria can also become resistant to several antibiotics. This is then referred to as multi-resistant germs.

A well-known example of this is nosocomial infections, so-called “hospital germs”. These are infections that a person has contracted during their hospital stay. An infection that occurs 48 hours after admission is usually referred to as a nosocomial infection.

However, if you look at other countries in the world, you will notice that infectious diseases are still the most common cause of death all over the world. The reason for this fact is in…

  • … poor medical care
  • … poor hygienic conditions
  • … poor nutrition

In addition, the same pathogens are not found everywhere in the world. In different climate zones there are other pathogens that can cause infectious diseases that are much more dangerous than those that we know of in Germany.

In general, the risk of an infectious disease depends on many different factors. As already mentioned, children are much more susceptible to certain infectious diseases, such as measles or chickenpox, than older people. Your own immune system, diet, physical fitness and existing immune protection all influence how dangerous an infectious disease is for you.

Other factors that determine the risk of infectious disease include:

  • Pathogenicity and virulence of the pathogen (how harmful is the invader and how resistant is the pathogen?)
  • Transmission and infection (how easy is it to become infected with the pathogen?)
  • Medical care (how well developed is medical care in the country? Are there effective drugs against the respective pathogen?)
  • Patient condition (how strong is the patient's immune system? Does the affected person have special immune protection, such as vaccination? Does the affected person already suffer from underlying diseases?)

Routes of infection: How do you get infected?

You've probably experienced this before: all your friends are sick, but you're not. You have to look after a sick child at home, but you don't catch the disease. The next day you're on the train and suddenly feel miserable in the evening.

You can become infected in many different ways. Not all germs are equally contagious, which means that you can be out and about in large crowds for days and be fit, but suddenly become ill after a day at daycare.

Basically, there are six different routes of infection:

1. Droplet infection

In droplet infection, pathogens from the throat or respiratory tract are released into the air through saliva droplets when sneezing, coughing or speaking. These are then either inhaled by other people and absorbed through the mucous membranes, or absorbed through the mucous membranes through direct contact, such as a kiss.

The size of the saliva droplets is crucial for their range. Droplets with a diameter of more than 5 µm sink quickly into the air and are therefore only transmitted over a distance of one meter. In this case, sufficient distance is sufficient to protect yourself from infection.

However, saliva droplets with a diameter smaller than 5 µm remain suspended in the air for a long time thanks to their low weight and can therefore be transmitted over longer distances.

Viruses are often transmitted via droplet infection. Flu-like infections or even the real flu are passed on from person to person in this way. But bacterial infections such as scarlet fever or meningococcal infections are also transmitted via droplet infection.

2. smear infection

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3. Food infection

Pathogens can also be ingested through food, as some pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, can stick to food. Other pathogens, such as salmonella, are also found directly in foods such as raw eggs, raw sausages and raw meat. To be on the safe side, you should always fry such foods well before eating them.

But germs in food are not easy to detect because you cannot see, smell or taste them. Some bacteria that produce poisons - so-called toxins - can only be detected a few hours after consumption, when they manifest themselves in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. In such cases, it is often referred to as food poisoning. The toxins affect the digestive tract of the affected person and usually lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

This symptom can be caused by pathogens such as salmonella, E. coli, campylobacter, listeriosis, noroviruses and rotaviruses as well as individual parasites.

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4. Infection via water

Many people prefer still water from the tap to carbonated water. Unfortunately, you can also contract an infection by consuming drinking water. Bathing in contaminated water and drinking untreated water can also lead to an infection.

Pathogens are found in particularly large quantities in swimming pools. They enter the water through feces and are passed on via an oral-focal infection. But the fine spray mist that is usually found in water slides or in the form of waterfalls also contains pathogens that can easily be inhaled. These are usually pathogens such as salmonella, campylobacter or EHEC.

Due to the high risk of infection, the Infection Protection Act and the Drinking Water Ordinance always monitor the water quality during its treatment.

5. Infection through exchange of body fluids

Infections can also be transmitted from person to person through bodily fluids. This can happen through kissing, sexual intercourse, blood transfusions or needlestick injuries.

6. Infection through animals

As mentioned above, animals can also play a significant role in the spread of pathogens. In addition to parasites, animals can also infect humans through stings or bites.

Pathogens can enter the human organism through many different entry points:

  • Conjunctiva: Smear infections can be absorbed through the conjunctiva when the hand to which pathogens are attached is brought to the eye.
  • nasal mucosa
  • oral mucosa
  • bloodstream
  • Lower respiratory tract: Saliva droplets can be absorbed from the air through the respiratory tract.
  • Maggot intestinal tract: Food infection can occur when toxins contained in food are consumed.
  • skin injuries/wounds
  • Genital mucous membranes: If pathogens enter the genital mucous membranes, infections of the urinary and genital organs can occur.

Man as host

The term "host" has already been used in several places in this article. Viruses look for a host in order to reproduce and spread. Parasites use their host as a source of food and a place to live. But humans also represent a host in some situations.

The host organism serves to transport the pathogen. It develops here, multiplies through it and spreads. Pathogens are passed from host to host in a chain of infection. Carriers of a pathogen do not necessarily become ill, however. Often they only serve to transport and transmit and are then also called vectors.

Endogenous infectious diseases

The infectious diseases examined so far are exogenous. In these cases, the pathogens come from outside and only penetrate the organism of the affected person. Endogenous infectious diseases, however, represent a special case.

Here, the pathogen comes from the body's own organism. As already mentioned in some of the previous sections, humans are home to many bacteria and fungi that are unique to the body and enrich it naturally. However, if these pathogens reach another location in the organism, for example through an accident, a surgical procedure or other influences, the germ in the body becomes a pathogen.

What symptoms do infectious diseases cause?

The symptoms of an infectious disease that manifest themselves in you depend on the nature of the pathogen and the body structure that it attacks. Depending on the type of infection, you can usually expect the following symptoms:

eye infection

  • Pains
  • swelling
  • redness
  • sensitivity to light
  • secretion
  • corneal opacities
  • visual impairments

ear infection

  • stabbing, throbbing pain
  • purulent ear discharge
  • fatigue
  • Fever
  • hearing impairments

respiratory infection

  • Cough
  • sore throat
  • Sniffles
  • high fever
  • muscle, back, head and limb pain
  • breathing difficulties

gastrointestinal infection

  • nausea
  • stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit

skin infection

  • redness
  • itching
  • swelling
  • blisters
  • lichens
  • boil
  • ulcers
  • Pains

infection of the urinary and genital organs

  • burning pain when urinating
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • intense urine odor
  • dark/cloudy urine color
  • traces of blood in the urine
  • small amount of urine

In addition to the symptoms typical for individual infectious diseases, there are also general symptoms that can usually accompany any type of infection:

  • tiredness, fatigue
  • weakness, rapid exhaustion
  • chills, fever
  • headaches and body aches
  • loss of appetite
  • malaise

How does an infectious disease progress?

The course of an infectious disease depends on the type of infection. In general, there are three types: florid infections, chronic infections and latent infections. Each person's course of the disease is different. In principle, however, the course can be divided into five different stages:

Common infectious diseases

1st invasion stage:

In the first stage of the disease, pathogens enter the organism. Symptoms do not appear at this time.

2nd incubation stage:

The second stage describes the period from the initial infection to the outbreak of the disease, i.e. until the first symptoms appear. In this stage, the pathogens multiply.

3. Acute stage:

The acute stage represents the peak of the disease. This is where all the typical symptoms appear.

4th convalescence stage:

In the fourth stage, the immune system begins to fight against the pathogens. If it succeeds, the symptoms subside and the organism recovers.

5th convalescence stage:

The affected person is completely healed.

A florid infection occurs when the immune system is unable to fight the pathogens quickly. This can cause the symptoms to continue to develop and the acute stage to last longer.

If the immune system then manages to fight the pathogens in a new attempt, the convalescence stage begins and the organism can slowly recover. However, if the immune system does not succeed in doing this and has to fight the pathogens repeatedly, the infection is chronic.

In the case of a latent infection, the immune system manages to hold back the pathogens so that no symptoms develop. However, the pathogens are still present in the organism, so the infection can reappear the next time the immune system is weakened.

Successfully prevent infections

You are now an expert when it comes to infectious diseases and how to combat them. To protect yourself from infection, you must always take good care of your health. To successfully prevent infections, you need a strong immune system, you should always follow hygiene measures and ensure a certain level of immune protection - for example in the form of vaccinations.

To strengthen your immune system, you should …

To continue to protect yourself, you should also follow essential hygiene measures. These include:

  • regular, thorough hand washing
  • Observance of coughing and sneezing etiquette
  • regular ventilation
  • household hygiene
  • Hygiene when preparing food
  • wearing appropriate "protective" clothing
  • … eat a balanced and healthy diet
  • … integrate enough exercise into your daily routine
  • … get enough sleep every night
  • … ensure a healthy work-life balance
  • … refrain from consuming alcohol and other drugs
prevention and early detection
Probatix Health


Infectious diseases accompany us throughout our lives and occur more frequently during the colder seasons. They are caused by viruses, fungi, parasites or bacteria and manifest themselves through various symptoms. Fortunately, infectious diseases can be treated well with the appropriate medication. People can also take numerous preventive measures to prevent infections and prevent them from breaking out in the first place.