Burnout Stress Check
Burnout Stress Check
Our burnout stress check gives you a comprehensive insight into your physical stress levels and possible burnout signs. With this test, you can take early action to protect your health and performance.
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What values does this test measure?
What values does this test measure?
For more information about the values, see the "All about the test" section
How does it work?
How does it work?
After you place your order, we will immediately send you a test kit directly to your home.
With the easy-to-use kit, you can take a few drops of blood from your fingertip yourself – quickly, safely and easily.
You then place the sample in the pre-paid envelope and send it to our partner laboratory.
After just a few days, your measurement results, including clear reference values, will be available digitally in your personal health portal.
Are the results reliable?
Are the results reliable?
Yes, our values are reliable.
All of the tests we offer are evaluated in a specialist medical laboratory. Together with our laboratory doctors, we ensure that the measurement results remain stable over a period of 72 hours and are consistent with those of venous blood samples.
We do not include values that do not meet these strict stability criteria in our offer.
How and when do I receive my results?
How and when do I receive my results?
Once your sample has arrived at our partner laboratory, the evaluation usually takes about 24 hours.
The results are then available to you in a clear and digital format directly in your Probatix account.
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Your benefits
You gain control over your blood values. This allows you to quickly recognize changes and take action early.
You can easily incorporate the test into your everyday life with minimal effort. Without long waiting times and additional travel.
You will receive access to your values immediately after the evaluation - with explanations and reference ranges.
Everything about the Burnout Stress Check
Why is this test important?
Why is this test important?
The burnout stress check is crucial for your well-being and performance:
- detection of chronic stress
- early detection of burnout symptoms
- Assessment of Thyroid Function under Stress
- Review of important nutrients for stress resistance
- assessment of physical strain caused by stress
When should I take this test?
When should I take this test?
A burnout stress check can be useful in the following situations:
- If you have a persistent feeling of exhaustion or overexertion
- In case of high professional or private stress
- After long periods of intensive work or stress
- For sleep disorders or concentration problems
- To prevent stress-related health problems
Discuss the results with a doctor to develop appropriate measures to reduce stress.
What do the measured values mean?
What do the measured values mean?
TSH (sensitiv)
Der Biomarker TSH (sensitiv) ist ein wichtiger Indikator für die Schilddrüsenfunktion. Ein erhöhter TSH-Wert kann auf eine Schilddrüsenunterfunktion hinweisen, während ein niedriger Wert auf eine Überfunktion hindeuten kann. Die genaue Bestimmung des TSH-Werts ist daher entscheidend für die Diagnose und Behandlung von Schilddrüsenerkrankungen.
Mehr InfosMagnesium
Magnesium ist ein wichtiger Biomarker für verschiedene Krankheiten wie Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Diabetes und Nierenprobleme. Die Messung des Magnesiumspiegels im Blut kann helfen, diese Erkrankungen frühzeitig zu erkennen und die Behandlung zu optimieren. Ein Mangel an Magnesium kann zu Muskelkrämpfen, Müdigkeit und Herzrhythmusstörungen führen, während ein Überschuss mit Nierenproblemen in Verbindung gebracht wird. Eine regelmäßige Überwachung des Magnesiumspiegels ist daher für die Gesundheit unerlässlich.
Mehr InfosHämoglobin
Hämoglobin ist ein Protein in den roten Blutkörperchen, das den Sauerstoff von der Lunge zu den Körpergeweben transportiert und Kohlendioxid zurück zur Lunge bringt. Es ist wichtig, weil es die Sauerstoffversorgung und den Gasaustausch im Körper unterstützt.
Mehr InfosCortisol
Cortisol ist ein Hormon, das in den Nebennieren produziert wird und eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Stressreaktion sowie der Regulation des Stoffwechsels spielt. Erhöhte oder erniedrigte Cortisolwerte können auf Stress, Hormonstörungen oder Nebennierenerkrankungen hindeuten.
Mehr InfosFolsäure
Folsäure im Serum oder Plasma: Die Messung von Folsäure wird verwendet, um den Folsäurespiegel im Blut zu bestimmen. Folsäure ist wichtig für die Bildung von roten Blutkörperchen und das reibungslose Funktionieren des Nervensystems. Abweichungen vom normalen Folsäurespiegel können auf verschiedene medizinische Zustände hinweisen, einschließlich Anämie, Schwangerschaftskomplikationen oder Mangelernährung.
Mehr InfosTranscobalamin
Transcobalamin ist ein Protein, das Vitamin B12 im Blut transportiert und es den Zellen zur Verfügung stellt. Ein Mangel oder eine Dysfunktion kann zu einer verminderten Vitamin B12-Versorgung der Zellen führen, was verschiedene gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen kann.
Mehr Infos
Frequently asked questions about Burnout Stress Check
Frequently asked questions about Burnout Stress Check
1. What is tested in the burnout stress check?
The Burnout Stress Check measures various stress hormones, such as cortisol and DHEA, which can provide information about stress levels and possible signs of burnout.
2. Who is this test suitable for?
The test is suitable for anyone who is frequently under stress or who is experiencing the first signs of exhaustion, tiredness and overload.
3. How is the test performed?
The test is done via a simple blood sample that you can take from the comfort of your own home. Your sample is then sent to our laboratory and analyzed.
4. What symptoms can indicate burnout?
Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, sleep problems, mood swings and difficulty concentrating can be signs of burnout syndrome.
5. How do the test results help me?
The results give you clarity about your current stress level and possible hormonal imbalances. You can use this information to take preventative measures or discuss targeted treatment with a doctor.
6. How long does it take to get the results?
The results are usually available in your personal Probatix dashboard within a few days.
7. Can the test also be useful for mild stress symptoms?
Yes, the test is also helpful for mild stress symptoms, as it shows early on whether the stress level is within the healthy range or whether measures to manage stress are already necessary.
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"With Probatix we make blood tests easily available to everyone."
Dr. Daniel Werner, founder of Probatix