Sexually transmitted diseases are more widespread than one might assume. The most well-known diseases include HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, or herpes. However, an infection with chlamydia is also widespread.
To ensure one's sexual health, mitigate potential consequences early, and protect others, a chlamydia test is advisable for an active sex life. Information on the chlamydia test, symptoms, treatment, and consequences of an infection can be found in this article.

Chlamydia Test – the key points
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) differ in that they are either bacterial pathogens, such as syphilis or gonorrhea, or viral pathogens like herpes (HSV-2), hepatitis B, or HIV . In the case of chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) , it is bacteria that cause inflammation in various areas of the body.
Commonly in mucous membranes, urethras, rectums, or the cervix. Inflammation due to chlamydia can also occur in the mouth area, as well as in the throat or eyes. In contrast to viral diseases, these pathogens spread on the mucous membranes and attack the surrounding area, allowing them to multiply further in an untreated infection.
While some sexually transmitted diseases can be well contained, they still remain in the body for a lifetime, as with Hepatitis B or Herpes. Chlamydia, on the other hand, is well treatable and can often be quickly combated with antibiotics if detected early. For pregnant women, a Chlamydia test is one of the legally required examinations.
To determine if you have a Chlamydia infection, a Chlamydia test usually involves either a swab or a urine test. Depending on where you want to conduct your test, you can go to your urology, dermatology, or gynecology.
In a urine test the sample is sent to the laboratory and tested for the pathogens via PCR method.In young women under 25, a chlamydia test is routinely conducted once a year using a urine sample. In a swab test, various body sites are tested because the pathogen can spread across different mucous membranes. Thus, a swab in the oral area, as well as in the vagina, on the penis, and in the anus, is advisable.
Transmission and Symptoms
The transmission of chlamydia usually occurs through unprotected sexual intercourse. The contact between infectious mucous membranes is the active transmission point and can therefore occur through vaginal, oral, and anal sex.
Have you recently changed your sexual partner, had unprotected sexual intercourse or has a former partner told you about an infection, then a chlamydia test is an important step for you and your health. But even if you are worried, fear a possible infection, or if you are pregnant, an early diagnosis is relevant. The faster the infection is detected and treated, the milder the consequences and the spread can be prevented.
The incubation period for a chlamydia infection is one to three weeks, in some cases six weeks. If you notice any symptoms after having a sexual partner within this period, a chlamydia test is an important step for you. If the result is positive, antibiotics will be prescribed by your respective practice and the pathogens will be eliminated.
When should you take a chlamydia test?
If you are unsure when and if a chlamydia test is advisable for you, the following criteria can help you:
If you experience unusual discharge, burning, discomfort or pain during urination , this could already be an initial indication of an infection. Additionally, pain in acute areas may occur, for example, in the throat or the intimate area in general. In women, there may also be bleeding and pain during intercourse , as well as abdominal pain and in some cases even fever.
In most cases, a chlamydia infection is asymptomatic, and the spread of the infection occurs unknowingly, which is why a regular chlamydia test is advisable for everyone to avoid later consequences and further spread.
Possible complications and consequences
Infections that remain untreated due to ignorance or neglect can have serious consequences. In women, an untreated infection can even lead to infertility. In this case, the bacteria infect the uterus, where they multiply and nest in the fallopian tubes.
This causes them to become blocked, thus restricting fertility. For pregnant women, premature birth or rupture of membranes could be a possible consequence of chlamydia. The newborn child can also become infected with chlamydia and develop conjunctivitis and pneumonia.
In men, an untreated chlamydia infection can lead to prostate and epididymis inflammation, but a narrowing of the urethra can also be a possible consequence. In some cases, and depending on the intensity of the infection, this can also affect fertility.

Due to the various ways of contracting chlamydia, the bacterial infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Usually asymptomatic, infection occurs through direct contact with mucous membranes and through unprotected sexual intercourse.
The consequences of not treating it can be enormous, so the rule is: The sooner an infection is detected, the higher the chances of a quick recovery.
If your chlamydia test is positive, your treating doctor will provide and treat you with antibiotics. This can prevent serious consequences.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Chlamydia Tests from Probatix
What is a chlamydia test?
What is a chlamydia test?
A chlamydia test detects an infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. This is usually done through a urine test, swab, or blood test.
When should one take a chlamydia test?
When should one take a chlamydia test?
A test is advisable if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred, symptoms such as discharge or pain appear, or before a planned pregnancy.
How is a chlamydia test performed?
How is a chlamydia test performed?
The test can be performed through a urine test, a vaginal or urethral swab, or a blood sample. For home tests, you collect the sample yourself and send it to the laboratory.
How reliable is a chlamydia test?
How reliable is a chlamydia test?
Modern chlamydia tests are very reliable. The accuracy depends on the correct sample collection and the testing method.
How long does it take to get the results of a chlamydia test?
How long does it take to get the results of a chlamydia test?
The results are usually available within a few days. For home tests, the duration depends on the shipping method.
Can you have chlamydia without symptoms?
Can you have chlamydia without symptoms?
Yes, many chlamydia infections are asymptomatic, especially in women. Therefore, a test is particularly important to detect infections that remain undetected.
What happens if the chlamydia test is positive?
What happens if the chlamydia test is positive?
If you receive a positive test result, you should consult a doctor. The infection can be effectively treated with antibiotics.
Is a chlamydia test possible anonymously?
Is a chlamydia test possible anonymously?
Yes, tests like those from
How much does a chlamydia test cost?
How much does a chlamydia test cost?
The costs vary depending on the test method and provider. Home tests are often a cost-effective and convenient alternative to doctor visits.
Why is a chlamydia test important?
Why is a chlamydia test important?
A chlamydia test protects against consequential damage such as infertility or chronic inflammation and helps prevent passing the infection on to others.