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Chlamydia Test

Early diagnosis, safe treatment

Chlamydia Test

Everything you need to know about the chlamydia test: recognize symptoms, minimize risks and protect your health – discreetly and reliably.

Probatix Health

Sexually transmitted diseases are more common than you might think. The most common diseases include HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and herpes . But chlamydia infection is also widespread.

In order to ensure your own sexual health, contain possible consequences at an early stage and protect other people, a chlamydia test is advisable if you have an active sex life. Information on the chlamydia test, symptoms, treatment and consequences of an infection can be found in this article.

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Chlamydia test – the most important points

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) differ in that they are either bacterial pathogens, such as syphilis or gonorrhea, or viral pathogens, such as herpes (HSV-2), hepatitis B, or HIV . In the case of chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) , they are bacteria that cause inflammation in various areas of the body.

Often found in mucous membranes, urethras, rectums or the cervix. Chlamydia can also cause inflammation in the mouth, throat or eyes. Unlike viral diseases, however, these pathogens spread on the mucous membranes and attack the surrounding area, meaning they can continue to multiply if the infection is left untreated.

While some sexually transmitted diseases can be easily contained, they remain in the body for life, such as hepatitis B or herpes. Chlamydia, on the other hand, is easy to treat and can often be quickly eradicated with antibiotics if detected early. A chlamydia test is one of the legally required tests for pregnant women.

To determine whether you have a chlamydia infection, the chlamydia test usually involves either a swab or a urine test. Depending on where you want to do your test, you can go to either your urology, dermatology or gynecology department.

In a urine test, the sample is sent to the laboratory and tested for the pathogens using a PCR method. Young women under 25 are routinely tested for chlamydia once a year using a urine sample. In a swab test, different parts of the body are tested because the pathogen can spread to different mucous membranes. A swab is therefore useful in the mouth area, but also on the vagina, penis and anus.

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Transmission and Symptoms

Chlamydia is usually transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. Contact between infected mucous membranes is the active transmission point and can therefore occur through vaginal, oral and anal sex.

If you have recently changed your sexual partner , had unprotected sex or a former partner has told you about an infection , then achlamydia test is an important step for you and your health. But early diagnosis is also important if you are worried, fear a possible infection or if you are pregnant. The faster the infection is discovered and treated, the milder the consequences and the spread can be prevented.

The incubation period for a chlamydia infection is one to three weeks, in some cases six weeks. If you notice some symptoms after having sex with a partner within this period, a chlamydia test is an important step for you. If the result is positive, your practice will prescribe antibiotics and the pathogens will be eliminated.

When should you get a chlamydia test?

If you are unsure when and whether a chlamydia test is advisable for you, the following criteria can help you:

If you experience unusual discharge, burning , discomfort or pain when urinating , this could be an initial sign of an infection. Pain can also occur in acute areas , for example in the throat or in the genital area in general. Women may also experience bleeding and pain during intercourse , but also abdominal pain and in some cases even fever.

In most cases, however, a chlamydia infection is asymptomatic and the infection spreads unconsciously, which is why regular chlamydia testing is advisable for everyone to avoid later consequences and further spread.

Possible complications and consequences

Infections that are left untreated due to ignorance or neglect can have serious consequences. In women, an untreated infection can even lead to infertility. In this case, the bacteria attack the uterus, where they multiply and nest in the fallopian tube.

This causes them to stick together, thus limiting fertility. For pregnant women, premature birth or rupture of the membranes could be a possible consequence of chlamydia. The newborn child can also become infected with chlamydia and develop conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

In men, untreated chlamydia infection can lead to prostate and epididymitis, but urethral stricture can also be a possible consequence. In some cases and depending on the intensity of the infection, this can also affect fertility.

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Probatix Health


Due to the various ways of becoming infected with chlamydia, the bacterial infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Usually asymptomatic, infection occurs through direct contact of the mucous membranes and through unprotected sexual intercourse.

The consequences of not treating the infection can be enormous, so the sooner it is detected, the higher the chances of a quick recovery.

If your chlamydia test is positive, your doctor will provide you with antibiotics and treat you. This can prevent serious consequences.

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