💡 Hormone steuern Energie, Schlaf und Stoffwechsel.
💡 Ungleichgewichte können Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden beeinflussen.
💡 Ein Test schafft Klarheit und ermöglicht gezielte Maßnahmen.
What are hormones and what do they do?
The hormones that are released into the blood and act as messengers enable communication between the organs , mobilize the immune system and regulate the nutrient balance.
Measuring hormone concentration therefore plays an important role in menopause, menstrual cycle disorders , infertility or thyroid diseases .
How do hormones work?
Hormones are messenger substances that maintain balance in the body with the help of the nervous system. They control important processes in the body, such as body temperature, growth, metabolism, but also nutrient balance.
They are also responsible for water balance and the immune system. They determine a person's sex life, with the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen being among the best known hormones . Because hormones influence and control so many processes in the body, measuring hormone status is important, especially if there is cause for concern about processes in the body.
What are the signs of a hormonal disorder?
The hormone status shows deficiencies and overproduction of hormones. Blood is taken from the test subjects to examine the hormone concentration and to determine any deficiencies or overproduction. After the blood is taken, the sample is examined in a laboratory for the various concentrations of the individual hormones.
Hormone status should be measured if you have health problems. These can be very diverse:
- sleep problems
- anxiety
- unexplained weight gain and loss
- chronic fatigue
- skin problems
- Cancer
- Headache
- sweating
- concentration problems
- depressive moods
All of these problems can be caused by hormonal disorders. Low moods and depression could be caused by a lack or overproduction of serotonin, estrogen or testosterone.
Hormone status can provide clarity in diagnosing a problem and the overproduction or deficiency of the respective hormone can be treated specifically.
When should hormone status be measured?
hormone status in women
A woman's body goes through many hormone-dependent changes in her life. From sexual maturity in puberty to the monthly cycle - the preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg. A hormonal imbalance can often be recognized by deviations from the regular cycle or when the intensity or duration of bleeding changes. Other impairments, such as sleep disorders, etc., can also indicate a hormonal imbalance.
The hormone status helps to identify the hormones that are causing the disorder. Having a hormone status checked is particularly advisable if you are unable to have children, as a hormone disorder can also be to blame here.
hormone status in men
In men, a hormonal imbalance often manifests itself in depression or moodiness, increased sweating and unexplained weight changes. Other symptoms can also include erectile dysfunction and impotence. Loss of muscle mass can also indicate a hormonal imbalance. If there is cause for concern, the hormonal status should be checked, as a long-term lack of hormones can lead to osteoporosis.
The hormone status in Probatix
If you want to have your hormone levels checked, you will usually have a blood test done by your family doctor or gynecologist. But many people are familiar with the problem: long waiting times, complicated appointment scheduling and the back and forth of documents and papers .
With Probatix it's easier. The blood sample can be taken from the comfort of your own home or at a local pharmacy . The analysis is carried out in the laboratory and your results are provided quickly and securely via our innovative software .
This means you have digital access to your blood values at any time, without unnecessary visits to the doctor. Discussing the results becomes easier and more efficient for everyone involved, and fits better into your everyday life.
This means that you don't have to make an appointment with the doctor for every blood test, but the blood test can also be done at the local pharmacy and the results sent via Probatix. Discussing results is therefore easier and more efficient for everyone involved.
FAQ: Frequently asked questions about hormone status
What is hormone status?
What is hormone status?
A hormone status is a blood test that provides information about the concentration of various hormones in the body. These hormones play a central role in metabolism, reproduction and general well-being.
When should I have my hormone levels checked?
When should I have my hormone levels checked?
A hormone status test is recommended if you notice symptoms such as fatigue, weight fluctuations, mood swings or irregularities in your menstrual cycle. A test can also be useful if you want to have children.
Which hormones are tested during a hormone status test?
Which hormones are tested during a hormone status test?
Typically, hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones and stress hormones such as cortisol are examined. The choice of hormones depends on the individual symptoms and questions.
How does a hormone status test work?
How does a hormone status test work?
The test is usually done by taking a blood sample, which is then analyzed in the laboratory. Depending on the hormone, it may be important to perform the test at certain times in the cycle or at certain times of the day.
Can hormone fluctuations be treated?
Can hormone fluctuations be treated?
Yes, hormone fluctuations can often be treated with targeted hormone therapy or lifestyle adjustments. The exact treatment depends on the cause of the fluctuations.
How long does it take to receive the results of my hormone status test?
How long does it take to receive the results of my hormone status test?
It usually takes a few days to a week for the results of a hormone status test to be available. Your doctor will discuss the results with you and, if necessary, suggest treatment options.