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⭐️ NEW: Comprehensive Checks ⭐️

Health blog

Health blog

JETZT VERFÜGBAR: Der Rundum-Check für Frauen und Männer

Now available: the all-round check for women and men

"Which test should I book?" This common question inspired us to develop the all-round checks for women and men. These tests provide a comprehensive overview of important blood values, help to identify health risks at an early stage, and provide clear indications for further examinations. Now also available as a practical subscription to keep an eye on your health in the long term!

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Warum der Überblick über Ihre Blutwerte die ideale Ergänzung zu einem gesunden Lebensstil ist

Why an overview of your blood values is the ideal complement to a healthy lifestyle

The new year has begun, and many people use this time to make resolutions: more exercise, a more balanced diet, or simply being more mindful of themselves. However, while many focus on visible successes, important but invisible factors are often overlooked – your blood values.

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Ihr Start in ein gesundes 2025: Trends, Vorsätze und Inspiration

Your Start to a Healthy 2025: Trends, Resolutions, and Inspiration

A new year brings new opportunities to achieve personal health goals. However, good resolutions often fail because it's unclear where to start. This is exactly where our blog comes in – with well-founded ideas and inspiration for a healthy start to the year.

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